Hair Accessories - Hair Clips, Hair Pins and Hair Jewelry in Mauve and Purple
Item Code: UK99
2 Pairs Clip
Clip - 2 inches Each
Item Code: LX11
Stick-on Hair Decoration
CA$16.50 45% off (Deal)
Item Code: AL93
Stone and Metal
Clip - 5.5 inches
We feature beautiful hair clips, hair pins and dazzling hair jewelry in various styles and designs to decorate your hair.
A wonderful website, great work on the dolls! Congratulations.
- Antonette Alves
This is to let you know that I received both the shipments this afternoon. The packaging was...
- dhwani7@yahoo
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- Jayalakshmi Hariharan
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- RashmiSushena
Thanks for everything... especially your kind, intelligent customer service. I have to tell you...
- Jonathan Kubacka