Terracotta Mask
Item Code: SS77
15 x 4 x 2 inches Each
Weight - 2.5 kg.
CA$154.50 45% off (Deal)
Item Code: SS63
20.5 x 5.5 inches
Weight - 450 gms.
CA$80.50 45% off (Deal)
Terracotta Mask : Each mask is made from clay, molded to a human face, hand painted and designed with beads. These masks can be worn by anyone. The art of making mask has been integral to the beginning of theatre and still remains a fascinating process. Mask are a covering used to disguise or protect the face. Throughout history people in almost every society have used mask. The Mask forms a silent language which is universally understood and which defines the essence of human expressions and emotions at various levels - spiritual, religious and material. However, whether it is made of wood or metal or fabric - the Mask continues to be a source of mystery and fascination - a mode of escape from the drudgery of everyday life seeped in technology and automation.
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